Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
How to Make Routers Using RouterOS
MikroTik RouterOS ™ is an operating system and which can be used to make computers even become a reliable network routers, covering the full range of features for network and wireless.
As usual to install an operating system, we must first set the first boot to CDROM, then we RouterOS its CD input. And the computer will direct booting to the CD.
1. Install the Mikrotik OS
- Follow instructions, use the next-next syndrome and default
- Install the main package, much better all the way packet marking (mark)
- After all the packages marked for install then press "I"
- Old Install ga normally until 15 minutes, more meaningful if it fails, repeat the initial step
- Once installed wrong, the PC restarts the login display will appear
2. Basic setting mikrotik
The initial steps of all steps is setting mikrotik ip configuration. It is intended that Mikrotik can be in remote and with Winbox and allows us to perform a variety of configurations.
- Login as the admin default password degan ga have to be filled immediately enter. Replace it with the ip address and interface that will be used to remotely while.
3. Setting by using the text mode.
Let's start with the assumption that the install was successful.
1. Install -> OK
2. Setting eth1 IP (from ISP), the command :
ip address add address netmask interface ether1
This IP is the public IP / IP existing Internet connection
3. Setting IP eth2, the command :
ip address add address netmask interface ether2
Local IP is your IP.
Now do a ping to and from another computer, after connect proceed to the next step, if not repeat from step No. 2.
4. Gateway Settings, command :
ip route add gateway = (from ISP)
5. Settings Primary DNS, command :
ip dns set primary-dns = (from ISP)
6. Setting Secondary DNS, command :
ip dns set secondary-dns = (from ISP)
7. Setting Routing masquerade to eth1, command :
ip firewall nat add chain = srcnat action = masquerade out-interface = ether1
For the last to do a test ping to the Gateway / to, or if no reply then connect your Mikrotik dah ready to use. Alhamdulillah connect.
hopefully we can help ....
================================================== =======================
Actually there are other ways to configure the Mikrotik Router OS, namely through Winbox. However, because the pictures so I sangheuk bayaknya to post them. But what's the app because you can download it here.
Expresikan your ability as well as possible, probably within you are immortal-hidden talent. OK .. zzZzzzzz
================================================== =======================
Justin Bieber Potential to Kill?
For those of you who exist in the virtual world and claim to foreign music lovers will have heard the name Justin. This 17-year-olds not only exist in the world of music, but also in social media. Facebook page was favored by 32 million people, YouTube channel in the name of "JustinBieberVEVO" followed by 860 thousand subscribers, and the album titled "My World" has been played as many as 38.5 million times on MySpace. However, did you know that Justin Twitter account has the potential to kill?
Late in 2010, Bieber and his followers reportedly activity often takes place up to 3% of the overall server Twitter. In that year, a new Twitter users reached about 175 million people and more than 5 million of them became followers of Bieber. A designer and blogger named Dustin Curtis said that every second of it in pop music singer-mention 60 times. What's worse, every tweet of his, which until now counted as many as nine thousand tweets, in repeatedly in-Retweet by millions of followers.
Currently, the number of followers Bieber has reached 10.5 million people. Now imagine if the teen pop phenomenon is send a tweet with a link of a particular site. His followers simultaneously open the link, then Retweet her and millions of other Twitter users open the same link. If that happens, it can be ascertained in a series of site's server will be overloaded earlier tweet. Although only temporary, as a result of overloaded it will make the site in question can not be accessed.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
sinopsis & info High Kick (Season 3) / Counterattack of the Short Legs / The Short Legs Strike Back

Judul: 하이킥 3, 짧은 다리 의 역습 / The Revenge of the Short Legged
Chinese Judul: 短腿 的 逆袭 / 搞笑 一家 人 3
Juga dikenal sebagai: High Kick (Season 3) / Counterattack of the Short Legs / The Short Legs Strike Back
Genre: Sitcom, keluarga, komedi, roman
Episode: 120
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast periode: 2011-September-19-2012
Udara waktu: Senin sampai Jumat 19:45
Terkait Seri: High Kick 1 & 2 High Kick
Ringkasan / sinopsis
Ahn Nae Sang dan Yoon Yoo Sun adalah suami berusia menengah dan telah memiliki istri. Ketika bisnis bangkrut, pasangan ini bergerak dalam ke rumah kakaknya dan konflik dimulai.
pemain :
Ahn keluarga
Ahn Nae Sang Ahn Nae Sang sebagai
Yoon Yoo Matahari sebagai Yoon Yoo Sun
Lee Jong Suk Jong Ahn Suk sebagai
Krystal Jung sebagai Ahn Soo Jung
Yoon Kye Sang Yoon Kye Sang sebagai
Suh Ji Suk sebagai Yoon Ji Suk
Orang lain
Taman Ha Sun sebagai Taman Ha Sun
Go muda Wook (고영욱) sebagai Go Muda Wook
Park Ji Sun (박지선) sebagai Park Ji Sun
Yoon Gun (윤건) sebagai Yoon Gun
Kim Ji Won dan Kim Ji Won
Julien Kang sebagai Julien
Baek Baek Jin Hee sebagai Jin Hee
Lee Juck (이적) sebagai Lee Juck
Kang Seung Yoon (강승윤) sebagai Kang Seung Yoon
Produksi Kredit
Produksi: Chorokbaem Media
Sutradara: Kim Byung Wook, Park Soon Tae (박순태)
Skenario: Lee Young Chul (이영철)
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sinopsis & info Noriko Goes to Seoul ( drama korea ) new

Judul: 노리코, 서울 에 가다 / Tidak-ri-ko, Seo-wol-ae Ga-da / Noriko Goes to Seoul
Judul Cina: 纪 子, 去 首 尔 吧!
Genre: Keluarga, Romantis
Episode: 1
Broadcast network: KBS
Broadcast periode: 2011-Sep-10
Udara waktu: Sabtu, 23:20
Ringkasan / sinopsis
Sebuah drama keluarga yang mencintai keluarga pulih ketika wanita Jepang Noriko Mori (Takashima Reiko) gila untuk menjadi bintang k-pop kebetulan bertemu Min-Ha (Lee Hong Ki) dan dua mempengaruhi satu sama kehidupan orang lain.
Jepang setengah baya ibu rumah tangga Noriko Mori telah menikah selama 17 tahun. Dia juga penggemar berat penyanyi pop Korea Kim Hyun-Jae. Tenang Suaminya Hiroshi (Masanobu Katsumura) dan putri Miyuki (Manami Ikura) tidak memahami daya tarik dengan penyanyi K-pop. Suatu hari, Noriko didiagnosis dengan kanker paru-paru. Lebih parah, katanya Miyuki berhenti atletik di sekolahnya. Hiroshi tidak mengambil keputusan Miyuki serius, tapi Noriko kekhawatiran lebih banyak tentang putrinya. Pada saat ini, Noriko mendengar dari sebuah audisi yang diselenggarakan menampilkan penyanyi favorit Kim Hyun-Jae sebagai hakim. Dalam rangka memberikan inspirasi kepada putrinya Miyuki, Noriko memutuskan untuk mengambil bagian dalam audisi. Noriko kemudian pergi ke Seoul.
pemain :
Takashima Reiko-san sebagai Mori Noriko
Lee Hong Ki Kim Min Ha
Kim Ji Young sebagai Sam Wol
Ikura Manami (伊 仓 爱美) sebagai Miyuki
Oh Yong sebagai Sang Chul
Masanobu Katsumura sebagai Hiroshi
Han Jung Won (한정원) sebagai Ra Jadi
Im Jong Dalam (임종인) sebagai Jin Woo
Maybee sebagai Junko
Ryu Shi Won dan Kim Jae Hyun
Tani Rumiko (谷 ルミコ) sebagai Haruka
Abe Mihoko (阿 部 美 穂 子) sebagai Nazumi
Kim Sun Hwa sebagai ibu Woo Jin
Anak Eun Seo sebagai radio DJ
Nam Sung Joon (남성준) oleh Young Soo
Park Sang Shin (박상신) sebagai Jung Tae
Lee Ah Ram (이아람) sebagai Young Hee
Lee Jung Sung sebagai dokter
Kim Byung Choon sebagai juri
Lee Chang Yong (이창용) sebagai juri
Produksi Kredit
Kepala Produser: Choi Ji Young (최지영)
Produser: Bulan Joon Ha (문준하)
Sutradara: Lee Gyo Wook (이교욱)
Skenario: Seo Min Jung (서정민), Ahn Joo Young (안주영)
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sinopsis & info The Musical

Judul: 더 뮤지컬 / The Musical
Chinese Judul: 音乐 剧
Genre: Musik
Episode: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast periode: 2011-September-02 untuk 2011-Desember-16
Udara waktu: Jumat 22:00
ringkasan/ sinopsis
Musik drama tentang impian-impian dan cinta pelaku musik.
Koo Hye Sun, Daniel Choi, dan Ock Joo Hyun membentuk cinta segitiga di pusat The Musical, yang mengikuti kehidupan dan impian dari calon bintang musik.
Koo Hye Sun sebagai Go Eun Bi
Choi Jae Hong Daniel sebagai Yi
Taman Ki Woong sebagai Yoo Jin
Ock Joo Hyun Hee sebagai Gang Bae
Se Eun ki (기은세) sebagai Seo Ra Kyung
Park Kyung Rim sebagai Bok Sa Ja
Kim Hyun Sung sebagai Han Sang Won
Oh Jung Se sebagai Goo Jak
Kim Yong Min (김용민) sebagai Joon Hyuk
Kim Dalam Seo sebagai Sang Mi
Lee Kyung Apakah sebagai ayah Eun Bi
Jung Young Sook sebagai Yang Segera Yi
Kang Ji Hoo sebagai Hyun Seo Kwang
Cha Kwang Soo sebagai Yoo Jin Young
Yeo Jin Ahn sebagai Sun Hee
Taman Geun Hyung sebagai Presiden Yoo
Jo Won Hee (조원희)
Lee Ji Hyung (이지형) sebagai Yoo Jae Joon
Kim Jin Ho (김진호) sebagai Presiden Seo
Choo Jadi Muda
Jung Tae (정태)
produksi Kredit
Sutradara: Kim Kyung Yong (김경용)
Skenario: Kim Hee Jae
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sinopsis & info the great gift (drama korea) new

Judul: 위대한 선물 / Widaehan Seonmul / the great gift
Chinese Judul: 伟大 的 礼物
Sebelumnya Dikenal Sebagai: 선물 / the great
Genre: Keluarga, Romantis
Episode: 2 (2 episode berurutan ditayangkan)
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast periode: 2011-September-11
Udara waktu: Minggu 23:10
ringkasan / sinopsis
Sebuah keluarga Chuseok khusus drama tentang seorang wanita yang kehilangan kedua matanya dan harus bergantung pada anjing penuntun, dan seorang polisi yang membantu dirinya.
Han Ji Hye Kim Ha Yeon
Kim Dong Wook sebagai Gu Woo Ram
Kim Eung Soo Kim Jung Min
Moon Hee Kyung Joo Yoon Hee sebagai
Kwon Byung Gil sebagai kepala
Lee Jong Nam sebagai wakil kepala sekolah
Bulan Chun Shik sebagai guru wali kelas
Kim Hye Sun sebagai Woo Ram adik ipar
Chun Young Min (천영민) sebagai Gu Seung Ri
produksi Kredit
Kepala Produser: Kim Jung Min
Produser: Yoon Hwan Segera (윤순환)
Direktur: Bae Tae Sup
Skenario: Go Yoon Hee (고윤희)
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sinopsis & info live in style ( drama korea ) new

Judul: 폼나게 살거야 / Pomnage Salguya / Live in style
Chinese Judul: 要 帅气 的 生活
Genre: Keluarga, Komedi
Episode: 50
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast periode: 2011-September-17-2012-Maret-04
Udara waktu: Sabtu & Minggu 21:50
ringkasan / sinopsis
"Live in Style" adalah sebuah cerita keluarga. Keluarga berada dalam situasi sulit sekarang, tapi mereka mencoba untuk mengatasi dan hidup dalam gaya. Setiap anggota keluarga besar ini memiliki nama yang tidak biasa.
Mo Sung Ae keluarga
Lee Hyo Choon sebagai Sung Mo Ae
Hyun Joo Anak sebagai Na Dae Ra
Choi Soo Rin Jung Eun sebagai Nam
Kim Hee Jung sebagai Na Ra Tidak
Se Yoon Dalam (윤세인) sebagai Na Ah Ra
Choi Woo Shik (최우식) sebagai Na Joo Ra
Duk Chun Yeon keluarga
Park Jung Soo sebagai Chun Yeon Duk
Ki Tae Young sebagai Choi Shin Hyung
?? Choi Hyung Jadi
?? Choi Hyung Goo
Jo Yong Pal keluarga
Tidak Joo Hyun Jo Yong Pal
?? Jo Jin Sang
?? Shim Hae Lee sebagai
orang lain
Oh Dae Gyu Shin Han Ki
Pergi Se Won Eun Jo Geol
produksi Kredit
Produser: Oh Se Kang
Direktur: Chang Hong Wook
Skenario: Moon Young Nam
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
sinopsis & info vampire prosecutor (drama korea ) new

Judul: 뱀파이어 검사 / Vampir Geumsa / Vampir prosecutor
Chinese Judul: 吸血鬼 检查官
Genre: Misterijavascript:void(0)
Episode: 20
Broadcast jaringan: OCN
Broadcast periode: 2011-Oktober-02 untuk 2012-Februari-12
Udara waktu: Minggu 23:00
Sebuah drama investigasi misteri tentang vampir.
Yun Jung Hoon
Lee Young Ah
Lee Won Jong
Jang Hyun Sung
produksi Kredit
Sutradara: Kim Byeong-soo (김병수)
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sinopsis & info poseidon (drama korea) new

Judul: 포세이돈 / Poseidon
Chinese Judul: 海神 号 / 波塞冬
Juga Dikenal sebagai: Coast Guard Investigasi 9 (CGI9)
Genre: Aksi, asmara
Episode: 16
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast periode: 2011-September-19-2011-Nov-08
Udara waktu: Senin & Selasa 21:55
Ringkasan / sinopsis
Drama ini adalah kisah dari kehidupan anggota saver dari penjaga pantai.
Drama ini didasarkan pada tugas khusus dari petugas Coast Guard Korea (penyelamatan, ancaman terorisme, dan misi khusus lainnya) dan juga kendala dalam kehidupan dan cinta. Drama ini mengambil namanya dari Tim Poseidon, sebuah unit pasukan khusus dari Marinir.
Menggunakan ikatan yang kuat sebagai dasar kemanusiaan, dan melalui tantangan yang dihadapi oleh protagonis dan semangat mereka pengorbanan diri, drama mengharukan menunjukkan pentingnya kehidupan dan kisah-kisah tentang bagaimana orang mengatasi hambatan dalam hidup.
Choi Si Won, Kim Sun Woo
Lee Si Young sebagai Lee Soo Yoon
Lee Sung Jae Kwon Jung sebagai Ryul
Han Jung Soo sebagai Oh Min Hyuk
Jin Hee Kyung sebagai Hyun Hye Jung
Jang Dong Jik sebagai Kang Min Joo
Jung Woon Taek sebagai Lee Choong Shik
Kil Yong Woo sebagai Oh Yong Gap
Lee Joo shil Cha Myung Joo
Kim Yoon Seo (김윤서) sebagai Hong Ji Ah
Ki im Hyuk (임기혁) sebagai Kim Sang Soo
Park Sung Kwang (박성광) Kim Dae Sung
Lee Byung Joon
Anak Jong Bum
Choi Jung Woo sebagai Han Sang Goon
Taman Won Sook Uhm Hee Sook
Choi Ran oleh Young Ran
Juni Mi Sun sebagai Taman Min Jung
Jang Won Muda
Kim Soo Hyun (김수현) sebagai Kwon Ha Na
U Know Yunho sebagai Kang Eun Cheul (cameo)
Produksi Kredit
Direktur: Yoo Yong Chul (유철용)
Skenario: Jo Gyu Won (조규원)
Produksi: Produksi H2O
hahaha.. ada siwon suju
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Booting Windows 8 Only 8 Seconds
Windows 7 is pretty long in time bootingnya and Android or Apple iPad tablet as the tablet has a faster boot times, well related to Microsoft's strategy is to deliver Windows 8 tablets as well as the operating system then surely Microsoft should do something to speed up boot time on Windows 8 .
Eventually, Microsoft's effort succeeded where the boot time of less than 10 seconds was achieved is demonstrated on a laptop berspesifikasi Core i7-2620M Sandy Bridge processor, 8GB of RAM and a 160GB solid-state drive (SSD). But on the PC where the Windows 7 boot time takes 70 seconds managed to just 20 seconds when using Windows 8. Wow, a significant increase yah.
You can see the process that made Windows 8 to obtain a fast time of the booting process:
Here's a video demo instead booting Windows 8, which can display the Windows startup screen 8 within approximately 8 seconds:
Minimum To Install Windows 8 Need Only Atom Processor and 1GB of RAM
Steven Sinofsky, Windows and Windows Life Chairman announced the minimum specifications / minimum of a computer to run Windows 8. He said a computer with an atom processor and 1GB of RAM can run the operating system.
He gave an example, a Lenovo S10 netbook is enough for Windows 8. When compared with previous generations of Windows 7, Windwows 8 requires fewer system resources. In a conference slide in Build 2011, Sinofsky described the Windows 8 only requires 281 MB of RAM memory and run 29 processes only.
By comparison, Windows 7 SP1 embutuhkan 404 MB and 32 processes. While the preview of Windows 7 shows the 540MB and 34 processes. Windows 8 is expected to be completed in the market in spring 2012 and sold shortly thereafter.
Sony Walkman NW-Z 1000 Series Walkman Android
Sony has just launched a walkman officially launched the first Android-based property. Walkman NW-Z1000 series that runs on top of OS 2.3 and features the Android Gingerbread glare resistant 4.3-inch screen with a resolution of 800 × 600.
This Walkman also comes with Nvidia Tegra processors 2 and there are three options, which is 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB. In addition, if you want to add a particular application, this Walkman also comes with access to the Android Market app library.
Batteries that can last up to 20 hours when playing music became its own thing. This Walkman can play different types of music files, MPEG-4, AVC/H.264,. MP4, M4V and WMV.
Currently walkman is only available in Japan. For a walkman NW-X1050 16 GB, sold for 28,000 yen, or about $349. For NW-Z1060 32 GB and 64 GB NW-Z1070, each can be obtained at a price of 33,000 yen (about $418) and 43,000 yen ($546).
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Linux Installed on Apple iPad thanks to Hacker
What if you could run Linux iPad. Some developers have managed to make this open source operating system can run on hardware with a processor Apple iPad A4 which also used other IOS devices, which means besides the iPad will be able to walk well on the iPhone 4, iPod Touch and the 4th generation.
They have not explained how they managed it, but they plan to disclose further details in the future. Although maybe one or two more years before Apple makes the device current IOS to become obsolete with the latest version of their operating system, you can leverage your Apple device to install Linux.
BlackBerry Warehouse in Canada Lost 2700 Units
Popularity of BlackBerry phones attract the attention of thieves. As a result, storage facilities, the Blackberry becomes the target of thieves, and the thieves managed to steal the BlackBerry 2700 cell phone unit.
Quoted from detikINET, the thieves was to perform an action on a smart phone warehouse located in Mississauga, Canada. Theft that occurred in the country of origin is suspected to occur because the BlackBerry is less stringent safeguards.
In addition, the number of missing items, it seems the thieves are quite astute and understand the technology. They only stole high-end blackberry, the 9810 series or the Torch 2. Losses from these events is estimated to reach 9.5 billion dollars.
Local police are currently investigating the case. It is estimated that in the near future they will catch the thieves because it is currently undertaking an intensive investigation.
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