Sunday, September 5, 2010

Apple has its own social network as part of the new version of the software iTunes. The Ping, named as the new service allows users to create their own networks of friends and professional musicians in the same way that one can do on Twitter. The service also makes music playlists (playlist) based on what friends are listening. It gives them the opportunity to create their own profile in iTunes, have their friends, watch music fans listen to concerts and intend to go forward and show a list of the 10 most popular songs downloaded by their friends from iTunes.

Market analysts say that the move is a response to social networks related to music such as MySpace.
Users will have access to Ping via iTunes 10 by Mac or PC and the iTunes application for iPhone and iPod Touch.

MySpace has traditionally attracted many musicians that share their music and communicate with other artists. But its size has remained constant to 60 million members and many of them prefer the Facebook.

But the first reviews for Ping is not much praise as some users complain that the music proposals are almost identical for all users, while others complain about the innability to transfer contacts from other social networks.

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