The technical director of PandaLabs, Luis Corrons, announced the findings of research on the spread of malware circulating at the moment. According to the survey, approximately 25% of threats at this time to action are designed so as to be transmitted by devices connected to a USB port. One of the most familiar worms that are transmitted via USB is Stuxnet. Until a few weeks ago, this worm-and-operated not only undisturbed, and operated a fundamental defect in the Windows management system shortcuts (shortcuts). Basically, the worm infects a computer simply when the unsuspecting user opens a file manager and just sees the contents of the file. The Stuxnet automatically copies itself to the hard disk, without requiring the execution of a file.
Of course, transmission of malware via USB is not a new phenomenon. The virus Conficker used routinely to USB sticks to broadcast throughout the course of 2008. A fully updated antivirus and a lot of attention from the user's side are the best defenses against the threats. These two and timely action by Microsoft every time you discovered a security hole in Windows ...
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