Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Purpose of Learning Design

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - A without a definite goal will always be unsteady on his journey before what he was looking for began to blur and go away. The main purpose of this point is if you already know what jobs there are within the scope of design, then you are obliged to choose which is appropriate and suitable for you. By determining the type of work, pay you want to achieve, the design you want to achieve, business status, social status, when you want to achieve it, that ability which you want to learn and much more. Is not learning is supposed to produce? and will be more interesting if we liked it at once to get money from it right?

Decide now! And will lead you to something definite with certain scope, time definite, definitive results, and the ability for sure. If not You are not into that. This will trigger your adrenaline to do more and more again. Your goal will lead you to him. At least you are trying to achieve it.

Not easy to learn design, not as easy as turning the hand. You'll need process and let time determine your ability. You will be tested with a variety of difficulties when studying. But rest assured with determination, passion and enthusiasm you can do it!.

Learning Design Autodidact

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - In class, you learn to guide the curriculum. Learning materials starting from the beginning level and gradually higher. When studying self-taught, we set their own what will be learned. We recommend that you start by studying the outlines for understanding the role of each material.

Suppose you want to learn to create an attractive brochure. Broadly speaking, the design usually starts from zero gamabr with a camera, edit it with photoshop, and then collected along with writing briefs in CorelDraw or Adobe InDesign. So, you need to do is understand the basic principles of art and good design and then you use software such as Photoshop and CorelDraw. By understanding these pathways, the learning process will be more focused and certainly save time.

Learn step by step, in fact that's what I want to convey. Learn a bit-by bit and do not be ashamed to admit your existing skills. There's a good idea to create a blog, or the like to display your skills on about. Maybe at first there was no design skills at all, but little by little will change. Write the changes to the ability of periodically so that you know clearly what you have.

Mingle with the Designers

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - To learn the design is not difficult. There are several ways and one of them is to find the right environment for your learning. The right environment to launch you in the study design.

Like what psychologists say that the environment will affect your thinking and trends. If you want to learn the design will really allow you to learn it quickly and easily if the people you are a designer disekeling. Find a designer friend who was in a world so real and the virtual world. Then your conversation, your behavior and your thinking will gradually shift to be as if you are a designer.

Reduce Diversion Attention in Learning Design

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Note any factors that can interfere with your learning. This factor might have facebook, twitter, email, or even a boyfriend and the people around you. If you have to be alone, please move to a closed room, which is important not to the bedroom.

Reduce Diversion Attention in Learning Design
Facebook, twitter, tumble and other friendship networks can indeed make you not focus but it's all just a facility or an appliance. If you really understand what you want, try to always look for a designer friend. That way there is likely to be no longer a distraction.
Diversion could have the time and conditions of your own, and sometimes can not be avoided such as the obligation to take care of your child is still small, immediately to reduce the load. Not that you avoid it but reduce all the burden and distraction. Dare to say no to things that are not strategic or crucial distraction that can add you.

Simplify Learning Design with the Create or Join Community

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Learning is self-taught design can also be a way to create or join a community. A good community is usually active, there are activities, and dynamic. There are two types of communities of communities on the internet and the only community in the real world.
Simplify Learning Design with the Create or Join Community
In the virtual world community is sengkaian ethics and its own way. Before you ask, make sure you have been looking at the old archives. Asking questions that already exist could be making you considered spammers. Get used also to participate actively in discussions on the questions. Remember that the purpose of the forum is the sharing, not for us personally.

In real world communities are usually quite limited, due to the restriction areas, restriction of participation (member), ownership restrictions (ex: photography community must have a camera), and age restrictions. But the results can be obtained from the community in the real world is quite significant, such as encouraging you to continue to move forward and so forth.

Learning Design from Google

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - For those of you who are learning about design, can learn from Google. All the information was there and it's easier for you in learning design.

Learning Design from Google
On the internet there are many good-hearted people who write free tutorials, free articles, free software, free books, and more. That was done because they can and they want to. This does not mean that you can not just tell them to always respond to what you're asking. Get used to always find your own solutions first. That way you'll feel right for what you earn.

If there is a problem when studying, start by searching the question on Google. It's easy, just write down the question. WordPress database error, write it down "wordpress database restore damaged". Want to change the chapter number in InDesign, just write "changing the chapter number in InDesign. " I guarantee you'll get many links and alternative answers to almost every question you.

Learning Design of An Expert

Learning Design of An Expert
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Self-taught means you have little or no opportunity to ask questions. You try to learn from people who are best in their field who can teach easily and clearly, probably not many people who can teach you but surely there.

Do not learn from a beginner! Knowledge is limited may even drag you to the techniques that are actually not practical or even useless. Better to learn directly from experts who are experienced in their field.

Looking for an expert is not as difficult as it sounds. On the internet, they will be on large sites. In the book, they can be found in leading publishers. Easy is not it?

How to Learn Software Design appropriate?

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - For those of you just learning to design a self-taught or learned design. Know and learn the appropriate software is essential. Learning to design software into the field of skills and knowledge. Study the potential and design software in accordance with the design you want. It would be funny if you want to learn digital design while you do not master the software designs that are digitally based. Software is a secondary design tools, designers are the primary tool of their brain, however control design software but no design project that you generate with no aesthetic or creative design ideas in it will make it look 'dry' and not shiny.
How to Learn Software Design appropriate?
And often the ability of software design is a barrier to visualize our creative ideas. As well as to create three-dimensional objects in Illustrator but you do not know how to make it, this will be problematic and an obstacle that is quite strategic. Although we can find the answer, but still would inhibit such processes at work on our design projects.

Software design is very large. And advised you need to know the type, name and usefulness. Just know it is not a problem, because the know may someday be useful.

Field Design

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Determining the field of design will have much effect on what you will learn and what you produce. If you define a field that has a logo that's it, do not move too fast so you do not mature in their field. Design world is very wide, you can not learn all of them and proficient in all areas. By determining the field of design as you will know their limits. Such as software, technology, design tools, facilities, cost, time, energy, language and so forth.

In relation to language; design of tutorials, reviews, and other showcase sebaginya many use english translator merkipun there like google translate but the results are still unsatisfactory. There's also a good idea to learn a little English.

There are various areas of design with the ability and proficiency requirements specific design that almost all of them could make money. Below are some examples from the field of design:
  • Advertising (graphic design for advertising)
  • Software Design (design for user interface software)
  • Web Design (design view website)
  • Movie Production (movie title design, motion graphic)
  • Animation (Animator Design, Character Design, Design Illustrator)
  • Music Visualizer (Visual Jokey, Video Maker)
  • Game Design (view designs games, character design, environment)
  • Printing Industry (production management, packaging)
  • Editorial Design (layout newspaper, magazine design)
  • Book Design (book design)
  • Information Design (design map, sign system)
  • Interactive Design (ATM application design, user interaction scenarios)
  • Company Branding (logos, identity, brand developer)
  • Type Design (design fonts, experimental typefaces)

Principles and Instructional Design

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - In the study of design, of course, you must know about the principles of design, design enthusiast, many of them do not know this but often use them unconsciously. By knowing in advance the design principles will help you to create design work that is not only attractive but also full benefit and educate. Many who like the design (those who say as long as the visits interesting and oh, yes already) will be lost meaning of their design, they can not describe the profound intent of what they make will usually be difficult to communicate with clients.
Principles and Instructional Design
As a real example is if you know the feelings of pleasure can be obtained by using the color yellow (color psychology), of course, to describe the pleasure you're not coloring your design project with an impressive purple sad. Or also in visual communication you can find the use of empty space and Nirmana as a reference work of making good design and correct (though the art of design there is no good and true, but this approach still be necessary).

Almost in every level of learning there are still grounds or the approaches that can be used as reference to do it properly. Even though the field of fine arts there are the basics. Maybe for a talented field of art design does not really need this, however, there remain design art lessons which are recognized in the world of art design. We can not just dump him while others learn about it, at least just to know, you do not have to learn it in a deep-rooted and even complicated.

Learning Design by Knowing How We Think

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - How to recognize the way we think in studying the design of self-taught? More precisely is identify who you are. In designing we always work with the dominant scale is the aesthetics. Aesthetics is included in the art which is governed by the right brain. Like how the left brain and right brain and so is the learning instructional design is a step approach to design education degree program. To find out if your users left brain dominant or right brain is also a test to find out.
Learning Design by Knowing How We Think
By knowing that your users left or right brain dominant, you will be able to decree anything to respond to the results. As you train the right brain, doing something imaginative and creative. Or even can determine your potential in this field. Similarly, you will know how you learn.

Learn more or less self-taught design will lead to practical design (learning that leads to practice) that makes it difficult or need a long time to understand the concept design. How to learn is different, every person has a way of learning their own. Some people may prefer to learn the theory and then apply them. Some others probably will skip directly to the practice and theory. Some may be more easily understood by case studies or observations from project design to others.

Recognize also that appropriate learning media for you. Are you more comfortable learning through through the book, written tutorial, or maybe a video tutorial? Are you more comfortable with a detailed discussion or a technical nature, direct practice? To learn how to learn it requires experimentation, trial and error which then evaluated the results. This step may take a long time, but after this mastered, your learning will be easier.

Basically, by identifying ourselves we will know what can be done to fix this, you will be able to behave.

Some Special Ways of Improving Productivity Designers

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - As a designer needed expertise that continues to grow, rather than declining. To increase the productivity of designers needed some special tips. And when running the tips, then you are the designers to increase productivity. There are 11 tips that you can run as a designer.

1. Planning

Planning is the best thing to save time and become more productive. You should spend more of your time to plan what is most important thing to do, what is less need and then specify where the job can not be postponed. Making plans and sketches in doing a job is important.

2. Use the To-Do list

To-Do "list helps to stay organized and focus only on important matters. Also a tool to remember the things that you usually forget to do it. Such as telephone calls, e-mail replies etc. You can use real-post-it notes or the virtual.

3. Get rid of disorder

Sometimes it is very difficult to start your job because of many distractions that consume time and attention. If you really want to be productive and focus on bekerjam time, turn off Skype, IM, web (or other applications that you use for Twitter). Also check emails and facebook updates every 5 minutes is your greatest enemy of productivity. Disruption could have a TV, radio, or even family pets. So look for places where you can be comfortable and productive as possible and start working.

4. Make your self-discipline

Make a realistic form of discipline and what is more important, try to work on things like that. For example, set the time to check Facebook, Twitter and email account. Set a time limit to read blogs, news or other things that you like.

5. Do not work too much

You will be more productive and the quality of your work will be in prime condition. Do not try to work 12-18 hours / day because eventually you will be much slower, your mind will be somewhere outside of work and what is most important from the quality of the work will be lower. Research membutikan that work less than 6 hours in a day will make a person happier, more productive and healthy. Indeed, not everyone can do it, but with effort we can do it, at least to reduce the burden of work.

6. Work in short time

Technique 25 minutes of work. Make a period of 25 minutes, 30 minutes or 40 minutes and work, just focus on the job, yes it is difficult, but then you will have adequate rest, drink a cup of water or breathe fresh air outside, is not that motivating?

7. Always focus on a single task (Serial)

If you make a business card, so design the business card, but do not try to write a blog post or creating a logo at the same time. The reason that makes sense is first, you will do it with low quality, you will lose the second and third concern - you'll spend more time doing tasks in parallel, because you spend a few seconds to switch from Photoshop to a text editor or dashboard blog on Your browser etc.

8. Think about your goals

Before starting the job think about your most exciting goals and motivate you, for example you want to go to Bali for your next vacation so you think about solar, wind ditamani glass of juice, ice, waves, relaxation massage and maybe you will enter your mood into the scope of work and in the end you will be more productive.

9. Listening to music

Listening to music at work is not for everyone. This may apply if you are someone who likes listening to music while reading. The most important thing is that you must choose a genre that does not distract you and do not take your attention to your design work. Music will help you to become more productive or creative (music that evokes passion and motivation).

10. Stay Organized

You are a designer, developer, illustrator anything, you use the resources (resources). Textures, patterns, fonts, icons, vector, drawing pictures of all things that exist in your hard drive. Every time you try to find where they are and you'll spend a lot of time. Create a folder, such as Design, Code, Graphics, and put all files into that folder. Do not be too regulated, do not create folders too much because it is not smart and you will spend a second open and close the folder, seconds become a matter of minutes and even hours in the long term, for example you have ten folders that do not need, you spend 0.5 seconds to open and 0.5 to close it.

If you use them every day: 10 folders x 0.5 seconds x 2 x365 = ~ 1 hr / year just to open a folder! Think about this. If you need to create a shortcut on your desktop but again not too much because it can make the work of your favorite wallpapers covered, if possible, use a global keyboard shortcut to get into that folder, have a lot of software that cover this issue.

11. Use Templates

Do not try to create anything at any time. If you are a web designer create a blank psd templates in the same resolution, add the guidelines, grids, create groups and save them in PSD format for future projects. Think about how much time you spend every time you perform these tasks. Similarly, your graphic designer, using a template is not something despicable or degrading the quality of your design. Minimal template should produce something different impression must be handled properly, not all character templates for each product on a different project instead? They have the impression and image of their own.

What Is Graphic Design?

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Graphic Design is an art and process of delivering effective concept or idea in a visual form that combines typography, illustrations, and other mesia.

While the meaning of graphic design according to the figures is as follows
According Suyanto (2004), graphic design can be defined as the application of art and communication skills for business and industry needs, which include advertising and product sales, create a visual identity for the institution, products and companies, environmental graphics, information design, and visually improve message in the publication.

According to Bear (2006), can be defined as a process and art of combining text and graphics in communicating the message effectively in the form of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs and other forms of visual communication.

According to Wikipedia (2006), graphic design is a form of visual communication and action settings visual information through the use of form letters (typography) and other media such as photography or illustration which aims to secure the successful delivery of the concept or idea.

In its development, according to Purwosuwito (2005), especially to anticipate the development of visual communication as well as his role becomes increasingly widespread, the term graphic design and then expanded with the use of the term visual communication design. This term includes the use of sound, animation, and interactivity which will increase the effectiveness of the process of delivering the message.

Total Wood Dining Table

Total Wood Dining Table
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - you like the interior design made ​​of wood? one of the furniture of the dining table. Dining table where the family gathered together to be comfortable and warm. When creating an atmosphere like that then would be interaction with the family comfortable.

Design the dining table made ​​of wood this time. All are made of wood, so impressed masculine. Although impressed masculine but also look elegant. The strength of this table do not have to worry about. The model is called Recta table Dining Table and there are 6 seats with him. Masculine, Strong, Elegant, and Luxury ... Is this the dining table of your dreams? to fill your dining room.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Round Table in Dining Room

Round Table in Dining Room
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Design the dining table did not be indiscriminate. Due to the dinner table is a place where we spend time with his family after a day of work. Dining atmosphere also can not be in a state that does not reassure. Should be made ​​as comfortable as possible.

The dining table this one has the form of round table with size 120x120x75. Juxtaposed with 4 chairs and has a very comfortable cushion. Dining table also looks very simple and elegant. For those of you who have homes that are not too wide with a narrow interior design. And the dining table is perfect for you. Suitable for a small family. Eating will feel good at this table.

Design Dining Table for Your Small Families

Design Dining Table for Your Small Families
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - The dining room is the place to spend happy moments with family. The warmth in the family is more felt in the dining room. To support these two have chosen a suitable table. For those of you who have small families, the design of the table on this one is suitable for you. For those who are just starting a new life menage, house minimalist and not too big.

The design featured dining table is simple and elegant. With one foot table called a square table has a size of 120x120x75 cm. Juxtaposed with 4 chairs, with ornate carvings and a comfortable cushion. Warmth is felt when eating at this table with your little family.

Dining Table With Carving Art

Dining Table With Carving Art
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - The dining table is very suitable to be integrated with the interior design of your home filled with artwork. The dining room will look more characteristic. Table is a table owned by a long oval shape the size of 180x90x75 cm. Accompanied by numbered seats 6 chairs without arms and 2 chairs with arms.

The work of art is more attached to this dining table set with beautiful carvings typical of Jepara. Looks detailed and beautifully decorated all the elements of a table and chairs. By placing it in your dining room then the more prominent works of art anymore.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Simple and Minimalist Dining Table

Simple and Minimalist Dining Table
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Dining table this one is designed for interior design is simple and minimalist. There is one table with the size of a fairly large four-legged. Accompanied by six seats with two chairs with arms and four chairs without arms.

One alternative for use in the dining room and lets you eat with beloved family. Colors are displayed also add the impression of simplicity, much of the word luxury. But it does not reduce the beauty of your home interior design. We hope to inspire you and your family.

Dining Table with Oscar Materials (Imitation Leather)

Dining Table with Oscar Materials (Imitation Leather)
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - The dining table is suitable placed on your minimalist home. With the design of four chairs without arms and two chairs by hand. Table used is the four-legged square table with size 90x160x75 cm. This table match when juxtaposed or combined with bright colors of your furniture.

The material used is oscar (synthetic leather) which may be can be an attractive alternative for display on your family dining room. The dining table also features dining table with a warm and cozy atmosphere. Such an atmosphere is needed when in the dining room table and when the family gathered together to create harmony in the household.

Large Family Dining Table

Large Family Dining Table
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - For those of you who have large families and often eat together. Maybe this is one solution in choosing a dining table. The dining table that has a lot of seats that there are 8 chairs and a long oval table. Tables are designed with two-foot half-circle with a size of 180x90x75. With the table design looks very luxurious and very elegant.

The selection of wood materials to make the atmosphere was warm and comfortable. Seats are available is 6 chairs without arms and two chairs by hand. That way the entire family can eat together. Feels togetherness in eating the meal. Can also be used to entertain guests a lot. Guests will feel comfortable when eating and can negotiate some of the topics together.

Dining Table Made from Teak

Dining Table Made from Teak
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Design the dining table is also very important to support the interior design of the house. Comfortable desk is also very necessary. From the above picture can be seen there with a circular dining table is very elegant. Elegance of the table is matched with a combined chair that has a lovely carving.

The materials used to make this dining table is the original teak wood. Teak wood which is famous for its strength. If the furniture made ​​of teak wood, the furniture will be durable and durable. In addition to comfort made ​​of teak wood is also obtained from the fabric and foam used to make cushion. So it will feel comfortable when we sit in the seat. Then it will endure long in ruanga eat and spend all the food there is no longer felt, kilat.Hehehehe ...^_^

Design Dining Table into Billiard Table

Dining Table Design Burst Billiard Table
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - In the selection table needed a strong instinct. In order to get a feeling in the dining atmosphere is comfortable, so that the food was delicious. In addition to the dinner table is used as a place to eat, can also be used for the pool. With a design that was formed sedemikiam a way, the importance of the design of the dining table as well as billiard table.
Dining Table Design Burst Billiard Table
For those of you who like a billiard table then this is the solution, so one table of two functions. In addition to a double function, the table is also a solution for homes that have land that is not too large. You love with the pool but do not have enough room to put a special table billiard. Then it can be combined with dining table.
Dining Table Design Burst Billiard Table
Designs are made without prejudice to our comfort we eat and when we do the pool. Tables like this are common in Belgium, in this country used to make a table that can be converted into billiard tables or other game table. Companies that make this table is called the Fusion Table. Materials provided by this company are made of wood and iron frame, and entirely of wood.

Hope can be your inspiration in the set design for your dream house, with a minimalist furniture and multifunctional.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Waterproof Mobile NOKIA SURV1 to True Adventure

Waterproof Mobile NOKIA SURV1 to True Adventure
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Mobile is highly suited to outdoor namely Nokia SURV1. This mobile phone is designed for users who often spend time in an outdoor atmosphere. Designed with water-resistant frame and strong against all pressures.
                                      Waterproof Mobile NOKIA SURV1 to True Adventure
To facilitate the carrying Nokia SURV1 equipped with a belt fastener and a large necklace. In the user simply uses the touch screen and use the key only during an emergency. The screen is held with high-resolution screen and scratch resistant, but it can also function as a flashlight.
Waterproof Mobile NOKIA SURV1 to True Adventure
Other specifications of the Nokia SURV1 it is equipped with GPS and MP3 players to simplify the user. So, if you like outdoor adventure in the atmosphere must have this phone because is very useful and will definitely helpful for you in the adventure.

Nokia Colores Mobile Tech

Nokia Colores Mobile Tech
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Nokia Colores is a cell phone tech. The concept is taken from the Virtual Notebook. So all the important information can be integrated in this mobile phone.
Nokia Colores has another advantage that is the GPS, GPRS, a recorder that can change the voice into text. Besides all that there is also a biometric scanner, fingerprint recognition, 3G CDMA2000 1xEV-DO. To know the state of the world map can be viewed through this mobile phone with Google Earth. And there is one more carbon fiber structure.
Nokia Colores Mobile Tech
Of all the specifications above mobile phone Nokia Colores can be called very high-tech mobile phones. And the excess had to assist in the process or activity related to technology.

Feeling Hold iPod with Mobile Dbtel M50

Feeling Hold iPod with Mobile Dbtel M50
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Your iPod enthusiast? Maybe it is suitable for your mobile phone named Dbtel M50 has a very similar shape and design models with models of iPod Dial Pad. So felt was holding an iPod. There are 4 buttons that serve to answer the call, suspend or terminate the call.
Feeling Hold iPod with Mobile Dbtel M50
Dial Pad is one way to detect your movements. You can also listen to music that you want by pressing the round button in the middle. Screens that are served are not haphazard but the screen is a touch screen.
Feeling Hold iPod with Mobile Dbtel M50
You can activate the number keys on the Dbtel M50 with just one touch only. Mobile is also equipped with a 2.0 Megapixel camera, GPRS, USB, IrDA and many more advantages of this phone.

Face Recognition Mobile Vodafone 904SH

Face Recognition Mobile Vodafone 904SH
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - With current technology, it is designed with a sophisticated mobile phone. Security and the program that created it is to follow the development of IT. So created phones like this are called by Vodafone 904SH.
Face Recognition Mobile Vodafone 904SH
So mobile phones can be programmed to recognize a user's face. Mobile is not going to be accessible, existing functions will not work and will remain locked until the mobile phone users recognize the faces that have been programmed. Mobile also can be used like a stick the Nintendo Wii that is by recognizing motion sensor. Especially with games that can be inter-connected with a similar type. Mobile Vodafone 904SH mobile phone that is fun and very interesting, will not be disappointed to have it.
Face Recognition Mobile Vodafone 904SH

Mobile with Watch Design Telson TWC 1150

Mobile with Watch Design Telson TWC 1150
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Mobile is a specification weight just 98 grams. Telson TWC 1150 also has the advantages of the loudspeaker, voice recorder, and voice recognition capabilities. The battery of this phone has a capability that could support the talks for 100 minutes and standby for 150 hours.
Telson TWC 1150 is also equipped with a digital camera that can store up to 80 images and can be used as a phone book. In the phone book to set a specific flame color display according to the group phone book.

Mobile Perfumes Hyundai MP-280

Mobile Perfumes Hyundai MP-280
homedesi9n.blogspot.com - Hyundai MP-280 is one of the phones with a unique model and unique advantages as well. This mobile phone has a clamshell type with a tube of perfume. This perfume will work when the phone open to call or receive calls. By spraying perfume, then automatically you will enjoy this fragrant and very useful for those of you who have a problem with body odor. As usual perfume, perfume in the mobile phone can also be discharged. But do not worry because you can recharge as well as ordinary perfume.
How to refill the perfume that is in phone Hyundai MP-280 is with the syringe. And you can inject your favorite perfume. Place inject perfume is the object that looks like a butterfly in the middle of the phone. 2 drops of concentrate are injected alone can last for 8 hours. What makes attractive mobile phones Hyundai MP-280 is a cover panel that will make consumers more interested anymore.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Keygen Serial Number Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 Final

Keygen Serial Number Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 Final

New Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom™ software is the professional photographer’s essential toolbox, providing one easy application for managing, adjusting, and presenting large volumes of digital photographs so you can spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens. So you can spend less time sorting and refining photographs, and more time actually shooting them. Its clean, elegant interface literally steps out of the way and lets you quickly view and work with the images you shot today, as well as the thousands of images that you will shoot over the course of your career. Because no two photographers work alike, Adobe Lightroom adapts to your workflow, not the other way around.

Lightroom lets you view, zoom in, and compare photographs quickly and easily. Precise, photography-specific adjustments allow you to fine tune your images while maintaining the highest level of image quality from capture through output. And best of all, it runs on most commonly used computers, even notebook computers used on location. Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 2 offers powerful new and enhanced features across the entire program to help you streamline your digital photography workflow. Sort and find the photos you want faster, target specific photo areas for more precise adjustments, showcase your talent using more flexible printing templates, and more.

Top new features
• Local adjustment brush
• Enhanced organizational tools
• Volume management
• Extensible architecture
• Multiple monitor support
• Flexible print package functionality
• Streamlined Photoshop CS3 integration
• Enhanced output sharpening
• 64-bit support for Windows® and Mac OS

Keygen Serial Number Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 Final
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download SISTAR19 – Ma Boy Digital Single

SISTAR19 – Ma Boy Digital Single

SISTAR’s new sub-unit, SISTAR19 consists of Hyorin & Bora!
Check out their new digital single!
Artist: SISTAR19
Genre: Dance Pop
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2011.05.02

Track List :
01 Ma Boy

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download B2ST – Fiction And Fact Album (2011)

B2ST – Fiction And Fact Album (2011)

B2ST to release their first full album titled, “Fiction and Fact”! The track “The Fact” has been deemed as B2ST’s intro, whilst “Fiction” will be the title song. The boys have already been coming out in 2011 with a explosive start in Japan, let’s see if they can keep it alive with shaking up Korea as well as the world with “Fiction And Fact”!

Updated: Cube Entertainment has released the official Album Cover for “Fiction And Fact”.


Artist: B2ST
Genre: Dance Pop Ballad
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2011.05.17
File Size: 71

Track List :

01. The Fact
02. Fiction
03. Back to You
04. You
05. Freeze
06. Virus
07. 불러보지만 (Though I Call)
08. 비가 오는 날엔 (On Rainy Days)
09. Lightless (Unplugged Version)
10. Fiction (Orchestra Version)

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download SHINee – Replay (Jap Version)

SHINee – Replay (Jap Version)

Artist: SHINee
Genre: Pop
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2011.04.27

Track List :
01. Replay

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sinopsis dan info Miss Ripley ( drama korea ) new

Judul: 리플리 / Miss Ripley
Cina Judul: 小姐 雷普利
Juga Dikenal sebagai: Miss Ripley Siapa aku Loved ...
Sebelumnya dikenal sebagai: 굿바이 미스 리플리 / Goodbye Miss Ripley
Genre: Melodrama, romance
Episode: 16
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast periode: 2011-May-30-2011-Juli-19
Air time: Senin & Selasa 21:55

Ringkasan / sinopsis
Dua orang yang sangat berbeda jatuh cinta dengan Jang Mi Ri, seorang wanita yang hidupnya rumit penuh kebohongan, didorong oleh keinginan serakah nya yang berasal dari masa kanak-kanak malang. Jang Myung Hoon adalah perhotelan ambisius yang selalu melakukan pengawasan sempurna dari dirinya dan hidupnya, sementara Yutaka adalah pewaris hangat dan lembut seorang konglomerat hotel Korea-Jepang. Cinta mereka untuk Mi Ri dan ambisi tragis akhirnya membawa mereka ke jalan kehancuran.

Miss Ripley didasarkan pada kehidupan nyata kasus Shin Jung Ah, seorang profesor universitas dan kurator seni di Dongguk University yang ditemukan melakukan pemalsuan creditials nya untuk mendapatkan bayaran, dengan bantuan pacarnya (kemudian sekretaris presiden) Byun Yang Kyoon, dan menggelapkan dana dari sponsor perusahaan galeri seni.


Lee Da Hae sebagai Jang Mi Ri
- Taman Ha Young sebagai Ri Mi muda
Kim Seung Woo sebagai Jang Myung Hoon
Micky YooChun sebagai Yukata
Kang Hye Jung sebagai Na Joo Hee

Extended Cast

Choi Myung Gil sebagai Hwa Lee
Jang Yong
Kim Na Woon
Song Jae Ho
Kim Jung Tae
Hwang Ji Hyun
Lee Sang Yeob sebagai Jin Ha Chul
Baek Bong Kim Ki sebagai Wakil Manajer
Min Hyun Joon sebagai Han Manager
Jung Da Bin
Park Ji Yeon (cameo)

Produksi Kredit

Produser: Gu Dong Kim, Seon Lee Sang
Perencanaan: Sup Choi Yi
Direktur: Sup Choi Yi, Choi Won Suk
Skenario: Sun Kim Young
Produksi perusahaan: Tirai Call Media

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sinopsis dan Miss ajumma ( drama korea ) new

Judul: 미쓰 아줌마 / Miss ajumma
Cina Judul: Miss 大婶
Genre: Romance, keluarga
Episode: 100 +
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast periode: 2011-May-30-2012
Air time: Senin sampai Jumat 8:40

Ringkasan / sinopsis
Drama ini bercerita kehidupan sehari-hari Kang Geum Hwa, seorang wanita setengah baya bercerai ,yang berdiri melawan prasangka di dunia.


Oh Hyun Kyung Kang Geum Hwa
Kwon Oh Joong sebagai Menuju Kyung Se
Shi Jung Ah sebagai Wang Mi Sae
Kim Min Jung sebagai Jung Yoon Woo
Sung Jung Woon sebagai Wang Soo Bong

Geum Hwa keluarga

Kim Hyung Ja sebagai Ja Kwon Hee
Yum Dong Hun (염동헌) sebagai Kang Ho Shik
Yoo Ji In sebagai Lee Mi Ok
Lee Da Jin sebagai Kang Eun Hwa

Orang lain

Oh Na Ra sebagai Kim Hyun Sook
Kim Jong Suk (김종석) sebagai Hwang Jong Goo
Apakah Yi Sung sebagai Lee Byung Chul
Jang Mi Ja (장미자) sebagai ibu Byung Chul's

Produksi Kredit

Produser: Oh Se Kang
Direktur: Suk Jin Oh
Skenario: Song Rim Jung (송정림)

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Batik Ciamis

This time the author will discuss about the Batik Ciamis. With the area Batik Ciamis is so evident that Indonesian culture is uneven across regions. Batik entered into Ciamis in the nineteenth century after the war Diponegoro. Where many followers of Diponegoro leave Yogyakarta to the south. Many have settled in Banyumas, and some are settled in Ciamis and Tasikmalaya. That way, the Batik spread evenly throughout the area with the people who are good at making batik and develop in areas where they migrate from Yogyakarta.

The materials used for self-woven fabric and paint materials made ​​from trees such as noni, tree tom, and so forth. Motif batik Ciamis is a blend of Central Java and its own regional influence, especially Garutan motifs and colors. While in the area of ​​Cirebon batik nothing to do with the kingdom in this region, namely Kanoman, Kasepuahan and Keprabonan. The main source of batik Cirebon, the case is the same as that in Yogyakarta and Solo. Batik environment appears palace, and carried out by courtiers who reside outside the palace. Ancient kings pleased with the paintings and prior known cotton yarn, the painting was placed on palm leaves. It happened around the XIII century. It's something to do with batik motifs on fabrics. Characteristic of most of the batik Cirebonan motivated symbol images of forests and wildlife. While the sea motif because it is influenced by the nature of thought China, which the sultanate of Cirebon first ever edit the Chinese princess. While the pictorial batik Cirebonan eagle because it is influenced by Yogya and Solo batik motifs.
Batik Ciamis

Batik CiamisBatik Ciamis

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Traditional Clothing Of Korea

Traditional Clothing Korea Society
Hanbok (South Korea) or Chosŏn-ot (North Korea) is a Korean traditional clothing. Hanbok in general has a bright color, with simple lines and have no pockets. Although it literally means "Korean clothing", hanbok today refers to "dress style of the Joseon Dynasty" is usually used in formal or semi-formal in the traditional celebration or festival.
Traditional Clothing Korea Society
Some basic elements such as hanbok today jeogori or clothes, wedge (pants) and Chima (skirt) is believed to have been used since a long time, but in the days of Three Kerajaanlah this kind of clothing began to grow. Goguryeo tomb paintings at the site showed pictures of men and women at that time wore tight pants and shirt waist size. This structure is apparently not changed much until today.
Traditional Clothing Korea Society
At the end of the Three Kingdoms period, women of the nobility began to wear long skirts and shirt size measuring waist tied at the waist with pants that are not tight, and the size of the waist and wearing robes tied at the waist.

At this time, clothing made from silk from China (Tang Dynasty) was adopted by the members of the royal family and royal officials. It's called the Gwanbok, traditional clothing for the royal officials in the past.

During the Joseon Dynasty, jeogori woman slowly becomes tight and shortened. In the 16th century, jeogori somewhat bloated and length below the waist. But at the end of the 19th century, Daewon-gun introduced Magoja, Manchu-style jacket that is often used today.

Chima during the late Joseon jeogori be made long and short and tight. Heorimari Heoritti or made of linen cloth used as a corset because it is so short jeogori.

Upper classes wore hanbok from hemp cloth woven by high quality fabric or material, such as light-colored materials in the summer and raw silk in the winter. They use a variety of color and light. Ordinary people can not use good quality material for not afford it.

Generally, the first adult male wearing durumagi (a kind of long jacket) as it exits the house.
Traditional Clothing Korea Society
Both men and women keep their hair into long. By the time they married, they mengkonde hair. Men mengkonde (tie) hair until sangtu overhead, while women mengkonde to the limit in the back of the head or the upper back neck. Women of high social domiciled like kisaeng, wearing a wig accessory called Gache. Gache was banned in the palace in the 18th century. At the end of the 19th century, gache increasingly popular among the women with the form of an increasingly large and heavy. Jokduri, type gache smaller.

Plugs binyeo bun, hair pin inserted through the amplifier or accessory. Binyeo making materials vary according to the wearer's social standing. Wnita jokduri also wore on their wedding day and use the chicken to protect the body from cold weather.