This time the author will discuss about the Batik Ciamis. With the area Batik Ciamis is so evident that Indonesian culture is uneven across regions. Batik entered into Ciamis in the nineteenth century after the war Diponegoro. Where many followers of Diponegoro leave Yogyakarta to the south. Many have settled in Banyumas, and some are settled in Ciamis and Tasikmalaya. That way, the Batik spread evenly throughout the area with the people who are good at making batik and develop in areas where they migrate from Yogyakarta.
The materials used for self-woven fabric and paint materials made from trees such as noni, tree tom, and so forth. Motif batik Ciamis is a blend of Central Java and its own regional influence, especially Garutan motifs and colors. While in the area of Cirebon batik nothing to do with the kingdom in this region, namely Kanoman, Kasepuahan and Keprabonan. The main source of batik Cirebon, the case is the same as that in Yogyakarta and Solo. Batik environment appears palace, and carried out by courtiers who reside outside the palace. Ancient kings pleased with the paintings and prior known cotton yarn, the painting was placed on palm leaves. It happened around the XIII century. It's something to do with batik motifs on fabrics. Characteristic of most of the batik Cirebonan motivated symbol images of forests and wildlife. While the sea motif because it is influenced by the nature of thought China, which the sultanate of Cirebon first ever edit the Chinese princess. While the pictorial batik Cirebonan eagle because it is influenced by Yogya and Solo batik motifs.

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